Happy New (Y)Era – Trump Unveiled The Golden Age Of Humanity Through His Final Rallies.
Was it just me, or did you also notice how President Trump’s final few rallies had taken on the flavour of a New Year’s Eve gathering reminiscent of that in the olde country, which in His case would surely have meant Scotland as if I am not mistaken, Donald Trump is of Scottish Decent. Being Welsh myself, and having grown up in Wales before moving to North America I picked up on these not-so-subtle signs right away,
One of the more obvious signs was President Trump’s choice of music, with “Time To Say Goodbye” being a dead giveaway. And speaking of dead… he entered a few of his final events as if walking with a funeral precession to the tune of The Death March. This caused many to believe that he was signalling or mocking the fall of the Cabal, or death of The Deep State… although I think there was much more going on than just that, especially when you consider the timing of all of this. And then of course, he had his security open the doors at some of his events. It was this decision that caused me to wonder if, of when he was going to play Old Lang Syne, a song notoriously associated with Scotland, and especially with New Year’s Eve.
I’m sure you are wondering why his decision to open the doors piqued my interest aren’t you? Well it is because this is a very significant part of the Celtic Christian New Year Ceremony in the old country. We do this to let the old year and the negative energies or spirits associated with it out through the back door, while singing, dancing, clapping hands, shouting, banging pots and pans, ringing bells, or letting off a few rounds with a rifle to break up and drive out the old spirits. While welcoming the New Year in through the front. Now you may be wondering what the point of this would be given the fact that the patriots had gone to see President Trump in one of his rallies. It will all make sense in a minute but you should probably know the significance of the “Eve”.
Back in Britain a New Year’s Eve celebration was as much about saying goodbye to the Old Year, as it was about welcoming in the New. And to be clear… the celebration of the “Eve” was, and still is in Scotland and many cultures of Ancient Decent, far more important than the first day of the year – (being January 1st according to The Gregorian Calendar). This is perhaps because the Ancients, our Ancestors who honoured Time as Sacred, observed Sun-Down as the death of the Sun whose cycle represents a day, and which was immediately followed by the rebirth of a new cycle – being the birth of a New Day. In other words, it appears as though they associated this part of the day with with rebirth, renewal, and regeneration… as in… with new life. Which need I say, is also associated with The Divine Feminine, which they also honored and held in high esteem.
Now, knowing all this, and perhaps even seeing my point of view as to why I believe these rallies were to bring our attention to the idea of a New Year celebration, you may still be wondering why on Earth he would have done this. The answer, as I already hinted earlier, has to do with the Divine Timing of all that has happened over the past several years, and in particular during the time leading up to and since The Commander In Chief came on the scene. In fact, if I were to be completely honest with you… which I will be, I would go out on a limb and say the real reason that Donald J Trump run for President in the first place was to lead us into The Golden Age of Love, Light and Liberty because whether you realized it or not, this was exactly what has been happening under the auspices of a Presidential Election.
What I am suggesting is this… the real reason for the corruption and chaos in the world right now has to do with the astronomical transition that this planet and all her inhabitants are going through as a result of the shift out of and away from The Age of Pisces and into The Age of Aquarius. Which has the potential to create havoc and upheaval at the best of times, but in this instance we are apparently also cycling through the end of a 5126 year cycle of time which creates even more turmoil, and if that is not tumultuous enough, it is apparently the end of the fifth 5126 year cycle which makes up the Great Cycle of The Great Year, which has in the past been catastrophic… but we survived it!
Now can you see why we have such a great reason to celebrate?