
Out With The Old & In With The New – Were We Really Watching A Trump Rally, or Was That A New Year’s Eve Celebration?

While watching a few of President Trump’s final rallies I couldn’t help but notice how some elements resembled a New Year’s celebration in The Old Country. And when I say that, I am referring to the old Kingdoms of Britannia – keeping in mind of course that there were many Kingdoms back in those days, among which Reigned The Kingdom of Camelot – Home of King Arthur Pendragon and Queen Guinevere. Until that was, the fateful day when they too succumbed to infiltration, invasion, and usurpation. Later having their histories so corrupted that they would have became unrecognizable, eventually being erased from History leaving nothing more than dreams of Avalon in the collective human consciousness for which we are to believe that this story is nothing but a Fairy Tale.

Although, with that said, I am in this instance referring to what might be President Trump’s Scottish Heritage as this would be the area that I believe is more in alignment with His own lineage. And, He has after all, attempted to showcase this from time to time, and encourage is to dig deeper into the Human Story which has been left for us to find now, by our Ancestors. One hint which has been hidden in plains sight can be found in the beautiful Hymn, Ava Maria which He has played throughout several of His rallies, and appears to have a played a significant role throughout this entire ordeal. I will come back to this little nugget of truth shortly, but first I’d like to set the scene to help you comprehend where I am coming from with this idea of New Year Celebrations.

First and foremost it is important that you know that many people with Scottish Heritage, to this day still put far more emphasis on celebrating New Year’s Eve, as opposed to Christmas Eve or even Christmas Day for that matter, during this time which has come to be known of as the “holiday season”. Or at least, this is what I have been told my Scottish friends or acquaintances. And in particular my lovely Scottish neighbour Pat, who sadly passed away this Christmas Eve.

This would more than likely be because the celebration of The New Year was held in Honor of God’s Creations, the divine cycles of life – being birth growth and death, and then Rebirth which represents the ever evolving cycles of life.

Since our Ancestors were more in sync with Sacred Time than we are now, they celebrated The New Year in The Spring. These celebrations were in honour of The Great Mother and her blessing of brining everything back to life after surviving what we consider to be the Dead of Winter. And many people around the World, especially those of Ancient Cultures, still do to this day, celebrate New Years around the time of The Spring Equinox.

The only reason why people celebrate New Year’s Eve on in the dead of winter on December 31st, or New Year’s Day on January 1st now, is because this once and future Sacred Time of the year which celebrated Birth, Rebirth, Creation and The Divine Feminine, was shifted. It was completely removed from The Season of New Life and Creation, being The Springtime. And more specifically March 25th which is also known as Lady Day and was connected to The Great Mother Mary, and dropped it in the dead of winter on January 1st. Oh, and if you are wondering who did this or why it was done you only need to look at the Patriarchal Controllers of This Planet who have clearly been hell bent on annihilating The Divine Feminine and everything it stands for… including Our Great Mother Earth.

In saying that, since we are talking about Ancient Cultures here, I should also point out the importance of the “Eve”… meaning Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, or any other Eve for that matter. As The Ancients – being our Ancestors, who lived in Harmony with the Rhythms of the Universe, and in-sync with the Seasons and Cycles of Cosmic Time, revered, honoured, and often celebrated the onset of darkness by observing Sun-Down or The Sun-Set, which of course took place in the “evening”. Or what would have been considered The Eve of the following day.

This was a very sacred time for Our Ancestors as it was a transitional period from day to night. Although for them, the evening, or Eve, was in fact considered to be the end of, or the death of one day – represented by The Sun going down. And the rebirth of a New Day which followed immediately thereafter. So the Evening or Eve, being dusk, a peaceful quiet time when The Earth Energies shift – perhaps in harmony with the changing of the guard between The Sun and The Moon, would have likely been observed as a Sacred Energy Exchange between The Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies that bath not only our planet but the entire Universe and beyond. Knowing this, it would make complete sense that The Ancients revered -The Eve of and the Scottish celebrate New Year’s Eve.

Fascinating right… but you are probably wondering why I suggested that the last few Trump rallies, or at least the ones I saw, suspiciously resembled a New Year’s celebration.

First of all we saw President Trump enter the scene, walking mournfully and in step with the theme of the Death March which was being played. And then of course was the beautiful song – Time To Say Goodbye. Now I am sure that many thought this was all a bit of a send off for Biden or The Deep State, but when you consider the timing of it all you have to wonder if this was DJT alerting us to fact that we were finally transitioning from one Age into another, an so saying good bye the the passing age. This is huge because the reason we have been in such chaos on the planet over the past few years is because we are transitioning out of The Old Age of Pisces and into The New Age of Aquarius. While at the same time completing the end of A Great Year – in other words a 26,000 year cycle which has in the past spelled disaster, but in this case for the first time in history meant a mass transformation on this planet. STORM = Transformation!

Then we saw President Trump in at least one of his rallies, have the security open the doors. The reason being, or at least this is what we were told was because people were passing out and he wanted to let some fresh air in. However…. in a New Year’s Eve celebration in the Old Country, one of the main characteristics is to open the front and back doors and possibly even the window and make some noise. Clapping hands, singing, possibly ever ringing some bells in order to break up negative energies and to let the negative energies leave through the back door and welcoming the new ones in through the front. I had commented about all this to my Mum and said I am surprised they haven’t actually play Olde Lang Syne and she told me that Trump had made a comment about letting the bad ones out.

I am sharing this with you now because I am not sure how many people are aware of the huge transition we are all going through as with regards to Cosmic or Sacred Time. Nor are many aware of how President Trump has been ushering in the Divine Feminine Energy – let’s face I don’t think anyone can deny that masculine and feminine energy has become completely out of balance on this planet.

Now let’s tie this all


And it is even more so if we are to acknowledge the fact that The Moon, which is known for it’s magnetic forces and it’s effects on The Water Element, represents The Divine Feminine which protects and guides All of us All through the dark nights.

My point being that New Years Eve was a very important if not Sacred time for The Ancients who did revere The Divine Feminine and this was again proven by the fact they had in

These people were far more connected to the Natural World than most of us are today. And in particular those people who have unwittingly disconnected themselves from the real world, and who are now for all intents and purposes teetering on the brink of a virtual existence, which has is being sustained by those who have willingly plugged themselves into, allowing them to exist while barely experiencing life through their own basic senses, never mind the higher intuitive senses that our Ancestors depended on.

What this would have meant for them was that a new day was born during the twilight hours. So for instance they would have considered January 1st to have began at Sundown on December 31st. This may seem strange to us now because The Model Of The World we now live in has been designed by The Old Boys Club – The Controlling Patriarchs who took control during The Age of Pisces to idea of a new day starting at Midnight would have been invented by those who come up with the idea of man-made industrialized time as it is like so many other instances proving to make no sense given the fact that it has no correlation to the natural cycles of time. Since having learned this I feel a sense of peace in my heart because when I was growing up in Wales my horse whom I had bought with money I’d earned while working on the markets and which was given to me for Christmas

was, up until the time that it was changed by the patriarchal rulers of the church, celebrated by the ancient Christian Church on March 25th – aka Lady Day, during The Spring Equinox.

To learn more about this and to reacquaint yourself with the

For instance, we often heard that beautiful song Ava Maria. Now while this has often been sung as a beautiful hymn, I discovered when doing some research for one of my books that it was originally written as a poem by Sir Walter Scott. And get this… the poem is written about a love story in The Scottish Highlands. There are apparently three poems, or three parts of the poem that refers to The Lady of The Lake… hmmm… All thing lead to Avalon, and of course… let’s not forget Camelot!

Knowing this though, and seeing the definite Scottish connection here, we should acknowledge the fact that most people in Scotland, or at least this is what I have been told by my Scottish friends and acquaintances, celebrate The New Year, or New Year’s Eve as their big celebration, and not necessarily Christmas.

I’m not entirely sure why this is so but I wonder if this is because our ancestors celebrated The New Year in March, and it was associated with The Mother Mary.

s times, many people believed and still do for that matter, that Jesus was born in September. In fact, if you

sunset or sundown was the beginning or a new day, hence the reason for the celebrations on the Eve of… Growing up in Wales Christmas Eve was the beginning of our Christmas celebrations and many people open their gifts on Christmas Eve, although that was not a part of our tradition. We traditionally opened our gifts December 25th, the day which we have come to believe is Christmas but there is a lot of debate about that now, especially as so many have become aware of the changes which happened in accordance with The Gregorian Calendar.

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